Song playing: Demcuoi, The Last Night Fallen dumb with pain in contentious battle’s fray Visiting but for a moment, numbered among the dead Tethered on a silver thread that back to “the world” led. Riding on clouds above, caricatures of men by neighbors sent Pale pall lays stark upon countenances that anguish cannot hide From dissolute war's hatreds that leave mouths gaping open wide. Piled haphazardly one on another, red-stained fruits of war Warriors' vibrant mortality this war's robbing By the grim reaper beaten, no longer with life throbbing. Torn pitiably, before that great abyss bow Broken bodies frozen so still where they lay Leaking souls, no more on tortured earth to stay. Products of war’s craft lie dead in final agitation Gaping, screaming mouths, abject terror displayed Tossed in fetal positions where devastating war laid arrayed. Nevermore to answer its chilling cadence down spines shrilling In demise fading, passing obscure in thin cold mist Beclouded by mortal agony in frozen pain kissed. Over dying men no longer naïve nor gung-ho, No honor but death coming to these veterans beatified Nevermore smiles painted by death petrified. Then I awoke! Arisen, I shake off death's hoary beast From that most cruel captor, once again released Again escaped in memory...though I feel intimately its cost Will I be so lucky tomorrow...or join the brotherhood lost? |