Vietnamese song playing is Roi_mai_toi_dua_em_Truong.
by Gary Jacobson
He was just an ordinary peasant man
Farming a small plot in Vietnam
Just sitting comfortably on the fence
Deep in the heart of jungle dense
Simply trying to scratch out a living
In a land so hard and unforgiving.
Americans and the Vietnam Army held the day
When night fell, VC coming round made him pay.
He thought it unwise to pick a side, us or them
He bided...till we brought the war home to him
On the day we killed his wife, his son,
His love, his one and only one.
His house we fire-bombed
His livestock scattered
Mid great hue and shout
We burned his neighbors out.
Too bad!
So sad!
His light of life destroyed, stolen before his eyes
Killed forever that which caused the sun to rise
That began his mourning cries...
As "the world" for him slowly dies...
"So sad! Too bad!
I say old's your fault anyway...
Just in the wrong place at the wrong time
Collatteral damage the name of that rhyme
Living in the killing zone,
Beside dirty, no good, communist slime...
You knew it was just a matter of time."
"You know, you have to break a few eggs
To get to those VC dregs
Justice must be done!
When you live under the gun!
Glad we could give you a hand...
Our freedom's blessing...surely you understand."
"If you like, we can...
Set you up on a new piece of land
Soon’s we cover that Mekong swamp with sand
You can...
Join a re-development community we’ve planned
You can...
Be happy there in our revolutionary band.
You will...
Only have to attend a few indoctrinations
If you will...
Assure us of no lousy commie affiliations
Prove to us...
No clandestine obligations
Trust us...
We’ll give you a card so you can be free
American made liberty will give you amnesty.
Too bad! So sad!
So sorry about your son,
Why did he have to run?
Your animals, your farm...
We had no choice but to do you harm
You were just in the way, you see
We really thought you were VC.
We really didn't mean to do it, he was told
By forces bringing fire and destruction bold
So papasan, cease your wailing whine
Because on our side lies justice fine
Without prejudice...
See how hard we work to get your compliance?
With arms open wide we care for you
Now, we really do
That’s why we came all the way over here
From a country we love so dear
To teach you,
If it kills you,
Our right way to live...
Surely, you will to us allegiance give?
We offer you "Chieu Hoi"
That's good ole American "Open Arms" boy
Amnesty for commie defectors
From your generous, friendly, armed protectors
Papasan, better take our deal fast
Too bad! So sad! Forget about the past!
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