![]() writing club awhile back...tell it like it is, an out and out verbal ASSault! They just totally disrespected me, callin’ me “dude,” “old soldier boy,” and “old fart.” They also said I made an awful lot of assumptions, but they had an innovative way of spelling it...they spelled it ASSumptions! I told them..."At first I was offended by your remark about ASSumptions, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought...at last, we’ve found an area we can agree on. Darn tootin’ those who've served their country make ASSumptions!" ![]() by Gary Jacobson © 2001 ![]() Infantrymen patrolling jungle shadows deep Must right away make judgemental ASSumptions. If they hope to reach another night’s sleep ASSumptions must ASSuredly be made Without compunctions! ASSess a brother’s fighting ASSets. Study what his dependability encompASSes. Will he deal with wars trying conditions ASSertively? Does a brother warrior ways honor with clASS Or is he an uptight candyASS Or a half-ASSed snake in the grASS Or a buffooning wiseASS A know-it-all smartASS Or a real loose cannon badASS Or just your typical JackASS... Charly, don’t need no looking glASS... If a pASSive trooper don’t show some brASS That ASSaultive black pajama’d ASSASSin Will for him define the word ASSailant... He’ll hook’at mother’s son like a bigmouth bASS. In combat you must lightning quick ASSess Would a man his ASSigned duties slack? Would he watch your back ASSiduous Can you trust him to guard your ASSets. In battle’s pASSage where the Cong ASSemble? Will that FNG private first clASS, AmASS ASSimilated courage under ASSault In darkning jungle shadows We’re obliged to canvASS Or will his candy-ASS shake and tremble Turning blue at the sight of a gun Throw down his cards and fighting pASS... Mount his JackASS and run... Marching his gungho ASSumptions Through eye-high elephant grASSes Where brother Cong ASSimilates Formidble forces amASSable. Will the newbie survive... without ASSurable ASSessment ASScramble out of “the Nam” alive. Without his ASSistance my blood'd be ASSimilated Bloody obliterated ASSuredly Seeping into Nam's jungled floor morASS... Charley’d gladly give a bullet coronary bypASS His bloody tax ASSessment... Give to the first jackASS He sees a comin’ through the trees Now, though you don't want to unduly harrASS Or disrespectfully sASS... Life depends on fighting clASSification ASSigned through observational ASSumption Through Nams impASSable travail to pASS For it’s looking pretty grim To make it home to that pretty lASS Waiting for me ASSuredly Across the heartbreak sea ASSumptively... There’s no embarASSment in ASSumption Cause sooner or later it’ll come to pASS No need checkin’ time on an hourglASS War don’t give no repASS... But you don’t wanna be pushin’ up swamp grASS An don’t wanna be sent home economy clASS... So you gotta make ASSumptions Right away of course! There is no recourse! Is your comrade self-ASSertively self-ASSured When mASSing Cong start to ASSail It’s no time to learn your pASSivist buddy Will from empASSioned battle bail? Usually a brother’ll all expectations surpASS... But if the ASSumption's wrong There is no second chance in deadly battle’s song. Cause friendly neighborhood Cong Riled just cause in their country we dared trespASS Without their due ASSent... Are ASSiduous killing machines That just will not relent... In the worst way that Vietcong badASS Wants to give you a black mASS To ASSiduously in diligence his bayonet ASSert Without the slightest twinge of compunctions Shoot up your sorry badASS ASSumptions They’re comin’ after your ASSignations grASShopper With a sharply pointed bamboo punji cutlASS... To make a soprano voice out of erstwhile bASS. War has an entire generation reASSembled ASSumption passes the torch leading to mASSacre Naive innocence of a nation does deter. Know at what point a brother will crack Or ASSumable future could be shrouded dreary black. Will your brother pains of war ASSuage? Will he stand by you as pASSionate battle’s rage Macho rights of pASSage wage As the pASSionless killing fray Becomes so pASSé? Nam presents a clASSical war’s insidious doom Where it’s no good just to ASSume... Life depends on fast judgmental ASSessment Death comes with such an explosive ASSortment! Will a brother do his duty ASSigned? Be ASSertive in a bind? Can you in infested shadows ASSigned Be dependant In that Cong tormented jungle ASSonant? For though it may sound crASS, Though you hope all expectations a buddy'll surpASS If you don't know what might come to pASS, If you don’t make the right ASSumptions, Sure as shootin' your critical mASS is grASS! |