![]() Song playing is Green, Green Grass Of Home! by Gary Jacobson From off the South China Sea hot east winds blow Upon sandbag bunkers lined all in a row Wafting over a verdant green jungle war of hate Over shifting sands where hostilities profligate We boys greet each morning, tempting bitter fate, In a land over the decades killings perpetuate. Green grows the variegated jungle over fallen ghosts Who once humped rice paddies of Vietnam hosts, Like the jungle, shades of life here are variegated, According to our sergeants very life's overrated As we patrol the verdant green park Chalky sweat roiling down faces honeydewed bark Living in monsoon rains from daydawn into dark... Politicians took up this quarrel with the Vietcong foe, Sent a nation of boys where the brave dare not go Courageously into the land of the gun Irrepressible heat wilting under the hot Vietnamese sun Taught to hate and kill, what will our future bestow, In Vietnam’s green verdant jungle grow? Do we dead still feel that ancient quarrel Putting all loving in peril, When war’s horrors revisit, lock, stock and barrel? Heat, death and fear vie for attention Darkest hour Memories held for a lifetime introspection Forever mocking with deceitful refrain Breaking faith, our cruel death was in vain. Fighting in Nam’s jungles in our mind still raves. Nam’s verdant jungle marks our poor graves, As our country its warriors now sometimes depraves. Though doves over meadows of our mind’s eye Still bravely with honor fly, With songs they are singing refuting wars great lie. We lived to make it back from that land of ghosts, Our inner voice now incredulously boasts, Though guilts abound from pillar to post. Still every night we're back there, Again with our buddies heartaches to share, Again in that bitter heated wind, Wafting perpetually off the South China Sea coast. ![]()
War’s Tome
Whenever on foreign soil in wars far from home,
A year in Nam is a year in hell, ![]() ![]() each poem with more action graphics and Pictures
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